General Terms of Sale and Delivery RÖHM GmbH y RÖHM Ibérica, S.A.

General Terms of Sale and Delivery

Here you can download the current version of the General Terms of Sale and Delivery


General Terms of Sale and Delivery (as of July 2024)

General Service Terms (as of July 2024)

Additional Terms of use RÖHM eShop pursuant to Article 246 c) EGBGB  (as of July 2019)

Additional Terms of use RÖHM product configurator "web2product" (as of April 2015)

RÖHM Iberica, S.A.

Generales de Venta y Suministro de RÖHM Ibérica, S.A. (Diciembre 2017)

Condiciones Generales de Servicio de RÖHM Ibérica, S.A. (Septiembre 2018)