With the self-centering steady rests, RÖHM makes an important contribution to supporting slender turned parts on turning machines and meets all requirements for a large clamping range without change elements, a short and sturdy design, high centering precision and repeatability, as well as precision stability for clamping pressure changes and central lubrication.

1: Hydraulic or pneumatic actuation possible
2: Safety valve to ensure operating safety in case of a pressure drop (optional for SLZ-047)
3: Central lubrication or manual lubrication possible depending on the intended purpose
4: All configurations available with and without chip protection
5: Spherical or cylindrical rollers available, depending on the application case (except SLZK)
Standard design with cylinder mounted at the rear for supporting slender shafts for efficient turning and end machining
Clamping range: 8-350 mm (without chip protection)
Variation with cylinder mounted on the side for supporting slender shafts for efficient turning and end machining
Clamping range: 8-350 mm (without chip protection)
Standard design with cylinder mounted at the rear for supporting slender shafts for efficient turning and end machining, primarily for heavy solid materials
Clamping range: 40-800 mm (without chip protection)
Extremely compact design for supporting slender shafts for efficient turning and end machining, primarily for large clamping ranges
Clamping range: 60-520 mm (without chip protection)
Design with slim clamping arms for narrow intermediate distances, optimal for crankshafts and cam shafts
Clamping range: 8-250 mm (without chip protection)
Grinding steady rest with retractable arms