Grippers, Swivel units

No manufacturing without processing raw parts. For that reason, you know Röhm as a developer of the best clamping technology. But, how does the part get to the machine? Or more precisely, how does it get into the clamping tool and naturally back out of it? Röhm has grippers for exactly this reason – to connect production processes together.

Parallel grippers

for gripping round or angular workpieces with two jaws


Parallel grippers in a long-stroke design

for gripping round or angular workpieces with two jaws in a harsh environment or with high geometric diversity


Centric grippers

for gripping round workpieces with three jaws


Synthetic grippers

for gripping free-form surfaces with an individually adapted gripping contour 


Swivel units

for automated loading and unloading of machine tools and quick and precise insertion in assembly systems



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